
This is where the management of all individuals, external resources, crews and teams takes place for your workforce.

1. Staff and Contractors Tutorial Video

How do I setup my Staff and Contractors in the Dusk FSM? To setup your Staff and Contractors in the Dusk FSM, take a look at this explainer video. ♥ G...

2. Adding Staff

How do I add Staff in the Dusk FSM? Staff are added to the Dusk FSM by clicking on Personnel -> Staff -> +Staff. All staff details like contact detail...

3. Managing Teams

What are Teams and how do I manage Teams in the Dusk FSM? Teams are designed for groups of Staff and have a hierarchy. Staff need to belong to a Team...

4. Roles Tutorial Video

How do Roles work in the Dusk FSM? Roles are used for setting permissions in the Dusk FSM, to ensure the right information and functionality is availa...

5. Managing Roles

What do Roles do in the Dusk FSM? Roles are used to define access permissions in the Dusk FSM. Multiple roles can be setup based on your business and...

6. Managing Shifts

How does the Shift functionality work in the Dusk FSM? The Shift functionality is one of the important components of the Dusk FSM Scheduling engine. S...

7. Managing Skills

How do I manage Skills in the Dusk FSM? Skills are located under Personnel -> Staff -> Skills. Skills can be setup in different ways based on your bus...

8. Managing Crews

What are Crews and how do I manage Crews in the Dusk FSM? Crews are a hierarchical way of grouping staff together. They have a leader, shown with the...

9. Custom Attributes

How can I add custom fields to my Staff? To add custom fields for your staff, navigate to Personnel -> Settings. These fields are specific to your bus...

10. Staff Business Rules

What to do the staff business rules do? The Dusk FSM can suggest the best available staff to meet the requirements of a job. This is done using a seri...

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